
Feels Like Home to Me

So I'm home for the weekend! =] It's nice to be home, but I really miss Shatty. I thought I'd tell you guys what happened that was an amazing God thing [I don't really like that phrase, but it works for now].

So literally an hour after I posted my last blog, two of my girls came out of their rooms all excited while I was sitting in the hallway working on something. They came over to me, and were all ADHD or something, and one of them asked me what was on my arm. [I'd written JOY, LOVE, and PEACE on my wrist.] And I kind of explained that they're the things I'm working on this week and I thought she'd let it go at that like most people had done, but instead she asked me more. And one thing led to another and I was pretty much re-telling my blog and the three of us sat in the hallway for 3 hours talking about everything. It was amazing. An hour earlier, I was lonely, and now I was talking about life and everything with these two girls that I had already respected. They told me how they ended up at IWU and with their major and what was going on in their lives and how it had changed, etc. It was wonderful. =]

And now I'm home [took wayyyyy too long because we took a "quicker, scenic" route, meaning it was a straight shot, but it was all through little towns =[ ], and tomorrow I'm going to Spoon River Drive and Christ's Orchard and then to WIU for Jordan's band competition and spending lots of time with muh family. =] Exciting!

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