So honestly, guys? Life is wonderful. I love college. I love the girls on my floor [Uno Shat] and I love Shatford. These girls have become like family to me. They all left last weekend, and it was so desolate and boring and I felt alone. There was no one in any of my surrounding rooms and my roommate was gone to Indy. So yeah. Needless to say, I was overjoyed when they all got back.
Goin' home this weekend for mi madre's cumpleaƱos y Luke y Julie's fiesta. =] At least I think there's a fiesta....hope so. Either way, I'm going home and I'm pretty excited about it =] [Other than the fact that Jill's going home the weekend in between my two weekends going home =/ ] So I'm pretty excited to go to Christ's orchard and get some apple cider, get the new Emery cd, and hang out with my family that I've really really missed.
But I must say that even with all this wonderfulness going on and me getting closer with all these girls, I feel alone. Our closeness isn't to the spiritual closeness yet. And my relationship with my roomie is completely changed. We used to be best friends, but now it's like...we never talk. And I'm really okay with that. It's like I just don't have much to say to her. We hang out with different people, which is great, but then we hardly hang out. And I don't really miss that...and for that I feel like a horrible person. I mean, a month and a half ago, she was my best friend, and now we don't really talk. I don't know. And I feel like I'm not quite to the point where I really wanna share with my girls how I feel, and yet, I want someone to hold me, understand, snuggle with me, watch a really romantic, crying movie with me.
And I'm really insecure. Like...I feel like these girls think I'm annoying or too touchy or something. I don't think they are, but at the same time, I wonder. And sometimes I really wonder if I'm bipolar because I'm all dandy, but then I get really down and don't want to make others feel down, so I go away from people. And it can last for a few hours or a few days...
Speaking of romantic, there's been a lot of talk about boys and relationships, and more. And I've never had that and a lot of the other girls haven't. But there are girls who are in relationships now, and it really makes me want a guy. But I know it's not for the right reasons. At this point, it would only be to satisfy my wants, which isn't fair.
So those are my struggles right now. That's what's going on in my life. I just made everything sound horrible, but overall, life is wonderful =]
How are your lives going? Post or comment, por favor.
Here are most of my girls...

hey this is just a brief comment in reference to the bi-polar thing from a psychologist's perspective (hey get used to it...i'll be doing it the rest of my life...)
all psychological diseases (like bi-polar) are not really diseases until they make you lose the ability to function in your life. like if you're so OCD that you have to clean things 3 times before you can leave the house...or you're so depressed you lay in bed all day...until it causes a disturbance in your life...
so don't worry about being bi-polar. :D cause you're not.
being moody doesn't mean you have a disorder. haha. you're goofy.
lol No I know I'm not really bi-plar. =]
you should try getting online once in a while.
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