

is it really possible for human beings to forgive? i've been going through a situation and reading an article which has invariably pushed me to this question. there are all sorts of theories and methods to forgive - being humble because you cannot forgive and have pride and you cannot have pride and forgive - finding you worth in Jesus that you have enough love to forgive others - repenting for your share of the issue at hand - being willing to pay the price for the sins instead of demand them from the other person....

yes these are VALUABLE points and definitely get the "forgiver" in the right frame of mind, but does it really work? do we simply attribute flukes to the true success of forgiveness? sometimes we are able to forgive, and it seems as though sometimes we are not...is this always the result of an ability or is it more of a "maybe this time it will happen, maybe this time it won't" type of situation?

clearly i'm having problems coming to conclusions on this topic, and as i continue to study i will check in again...but give me your thoughts please. i would love to know your experience with this....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i wouldn't say that if you follow "1-2-3" steps that you will be able to forgive. i hate formula's and don't think our lives are bound by simple methods/formula's...neither is Jesus.

i think forgiveness is something that comes completely from the Lord. In and of sinful little selves, I don't think we can (nor are we able to) forgive. However, I think that God softens our hearts and gives us the ability to forgive...

It seems, sometimes, that forgiveness doesn't necessarily come for some people--ever. Perhaps, instead of saying 'i have never been able to forgive ____' maybe it would be more accurate to say that you haven't allowed God to move in your heart? I know, for me, that when I haven't been able to 'forgive someone' it usually lies with me. What I mean, I still had a lot of pride within me and I didn't 'own' my part of the sin. That is a huge area that has to be broken in order for us to even begin thinking about forgiving someone...that can only be done by the hands of the Father.

I hope this makes sense...? It makes complete sense in my mind and having gone through a lot of 'forgiving' situations, I have found this to be true. I hope, though, that it isn't the words of what I am saying that causes you to believe this to be true but rather how God has used it in your life and how He is speaking to you, in it.

be encouraged, friend. keep seeking him in everything :)