Last night, after a very heated discussion with God, I realized that I've got to trust more. I have to trust God that things will work out. I have to trust Him that He really does know best. It really isn't easy. But I've got nothing left to go on.
I got a card for graduation that had a really cool verse on it and I wrote the verse down on my hand to look it up and highlight it, but I forgot about it and didn't take time to look it up. Then last night, I opened my devotional book and before I read anything I thought to myself, "I need to find that verse again and highlight it. It was really cool." And low and behold, the very first thing I read in my devotions was that same verse. God is strange sometimes. But my circumstances had changed since I'd last read that verse, and this time, the verse hit me harder than ever.
Isaiah 30:21~Whether you turn to the left or to the right, you will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way; follow it."
Or in The Message version, which now that I read it, is even more applicable to me: Your teacher will be right there...urging you on whenever you wander left or right: "This is the right road. Walk down this road."
i love writing stuff on my wrist...such a great reminder :)
you know what's funny? is she indirectly got this from you. cause i got it from you and she got it from me.
me oh my, it's funny how trends spread.
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