
New babyyy! =]

Abigail Grace. 18 1/2 inches. 7 lbs. 3 oz. 12:57 pm, June 6. Pictures soon, we hope. Jill and I hope to see her tonight.

All this talk of dilating vaginal areas and baby's coming out of 'em and epidurals got me thinking. God has given us women many gifts. Here are a few I thought of:

-adrenaline rushes [for labor]
-not having to pay for dinner and a movie while on a date
-tampons [thank you, God! That's the only one I've experienced so far; glorious things those are]
-not having to worry about hugging someone and anyone thinking we're gay
-boobs [in most cases, I like mine]
-the ability for the vagina to dilate to 10 cm by itself, and THEN stretch even farther to probably a good 5-6 inches [think about the pain we'd be in if they didn't stretch...*shudder*]
-hair straighteners
-cool shoes
-good smelling shampoo and conditioner
-the ability to multi-task [most men I know can't carry a sane conversation on the phone while using the grill. It's a lot of uh, um, huh?, and "Sorry, I didn't catch that; the steak 'caught on fire'."]
-and finally bras. How awkward would the world be without them?

Thank you, God, for these wonderful blessings. =] May we appreciate them, even though with some of them come curses.

1 comment:

(Jus)tina said...


Yea working at a GYN office has totally opened my eyes to how many things could go wrong with your body. I am forever thankful I am healthy and hope to stay that way!

Oh the joys of new ones... Get some pictures up here of her would ya!?