
Rain, rain...

<---I need some of this. Or something that heals at least.

Blah on blah days. I love rain, yet it somehow puts me in a sour mood. It probably doesn't help that I'm not getting enough sleep. Most of today was a bah-humbug-on-everything day. Maybe reading a good book will help. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

the red tent. do it.

also - i love me some burt's bees.

i come home in pratically a week...yay.

caitlyn said...

Well I decided to read Blue Like Jazz. It's a really good book. I've been reading it for like 2 days and I'm halfway through it. It's a very odd book.

Dude, I can't wait 'til you come home. I'll be praying for you and your last week.

(Jus)tina said...

blue like jazz. excellent choice.

it is very odd. tell me when you get to the penguin sex part. its awesome . lol

and know whats really cool? you posted that blog at 10:01. makes me giggle :)

Anonymous said...

that would make you giggle.

you and your fetish for numbers that are the same forwards and backwards.

caitlyn said...

lol Justina, you're weird. I had no clue whatsoever why that made you giggle until Jill's comment. It is kinda funny though...

Penguin sex part. lol Really random. The whole book is random. I got to that chapter on....Thursday...I think. Yeah. I like the book for reasons I can't explain.