
Hank E. =]

At Bible study this past Thursday, someone said that when Jesus comes back, the dead Christians will rise first and then the living Christians will rise to meet them and Christ in the air. And then the non-Christians will be sent to hell and they will be shut out from God forever. And I got to thinking. God is happyness [I spelled that wrong on purpose because that movie is really good and I think that spelling is kinda cool now]. God is everything we love, everything good. Being shut out from God means no children giggling, no good music, no jokes, no love, no puppies, no smiling, no AFV, nothing. And I don't know. I mean I knew that being in hell wasn't going to be any fun and that it was going to be...well, hell. But for some reason, it just didn't register with me. Or maybe it re-registered with me. Either way, it's quite a scary thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good words.